Cancelation Policy

We understand that sometimes you need to move on. If you must go, we’ll miss you – and your support. However, we’ll be here if you ever decide to return. Our doors (and data) are always open for you.

We love working with your data and supporting you. If you do need to cancel your plan, please follow these steps:

1. Click on the Settings tab in your Nlytics Dashboard.

2. Select the Billing button.

3. Click on the Cancel Plan link.

We appreciate your time with us and hope to see you back in the future.

Best regards,
The Team at Nlytics

Terms and Conditions of Cancellation

By initiating the cancellation process, you acknowledge and agree to the following terms and conditions:

  1. Upon cancellation, Nlytics will cease future billing for your account.
  2. You will retain access to the Nlytics service for the remainder of your current billing cycle.
  3. No refunds will be issued for any portion of unused service within the current billing period.
  4. Any data collected or stored during your active subscription period will remain accessible until the end of your current billing cycle.
  5. Nlytics reserves the right to delete all associated data upon the expiration of your service term.
  6. Cancellation does not absolve you of any outstanding payments or obligations incurred prior to the cancellation date.
  7. Nlytics, at its sole discretion, may offer pro-rated credits for future use in lieu of monetary refunds.
  8. By cancelling, you forfeit any promotional rates or grandfathered pricing structures associated with your current plan.

Refund Policy: In accordance with our terms of service, Nlytics does not provide monetary refunds for cancellations. Upon cancellation, we will terminate future billing and allow continued use of the service for the remaining duration of the current billing cycle. No direct refunds will be issued for existing usage or unused portions of the current billing period.

This policy is designed to ensure fair usage and maintain the integrity of our service offerings. We appreciate your understanding and thank you for your business.